Códigos estatales


State codes are codes used to denote a geographic region, including areas such as states, provinces, and countries. These codes are often used in applications that require accurate maps and data analysis. For example, a mapping app might require a specific code for each state in the United States to show where features are located.

Standardization and Usage

In GIS, state codes typically consist of two or three digits, with some codes being standardized across different applications while others are specific to certain software. For instance, in the United States, states are commonly denoted by two-letter codes like "CA" for California, "TX" for Texas, and "NY" for New York.

Functionalities and Applications

These codes serve multiple purposes in GIS. They define geographic regions, control map displays, assign administrative areas or boundaries, and facilitate data grouping and analysis. For example, GIS applications often associate feature codes with state codes, enabling efficient identification of features such as parks or counties within a state. State codes streamline spatial analysis and data visualization, providing a consistent system for identifying regions. They enhance efficiency in data analysis and mapping processes, ensuring accuracy and clarity in various GIS applications.

Enhancing GIS Solutions

LocationIQ's Geocoding API with support for Statecode

To illustrate the use of state codes in GIS applications, consider LocationIQ as an example. Within LocationIQ's Forward Geocoding API, there's a parameter designed specifically to request the state code in the API response. LocationIQ's Reverse Geocoding API also includes the option reporting statecode from a given pair of coordinates. This functionality aids the geocoding process by accurately identifying the state code associated with a given location.